Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Metamorphosis: Transforming the Human Economy

I am preparing to create an e-book out of my articles for the Of Two Minds website. Charles Hugh Smith has graciously offered to assist me. I have a few more essays I'd like to write to round out my contributions into a coherent book (and book length), in addition to an outline of an intro. I believe it will be quite predictive and timely given the pattern of recent events and trends. I encourage you all to give a look when I put it out for self-publication through Amazon. Best regards, Zeus


  1. Zeus:

    I read your most beautiful and compelling article on "Of Two Minds" today. Please tell the Greek people and their "leaders" this: How Beautiful! How Wonderful! How Appropriate that Greek people give re-birth to Democracy tonight. The Greek people are on the verge of freeing the rest of the world from the tyranny of the global banking cartel. In honor of this, the people of the world will flock to Greece. Every Greek citizen shall become a Celebrity and Greece will flourish and prosper once again!

  2. You are right I intuit. The Greek people will not continue to take the abuse, especially as they know their system is already insolvent. My hope is that they lead the world citizen resistance to be followed by German citizens, and American citizens and others, that simply says "enough is enough". We occupy this place. We are owned by no one. I am a Greek American living in the Philippines, so I do this advocacy from afar in geography, but close in heart and spirit. Thanks for your reply and involvement. Zeus
